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At M&M Roofing Co. Inc., we believe our commitment to quality materials, workmanship, and service is unrivaled in the Kansas City metro area. We continuously receive top industry awards from GAF, CertainTeed, DaVinci, Angie’s List, the Better Business Bureau, and others.
Mitra Templin (State Farm Ins.) (913) 433-6321
Patty Jurado (Gutter Company) (913) 764-0725
Sarah Postle (Drywall Doctor) (913) 768-6655
Lyle Vale (Distribution) (913) 638-4683
Stacey Saladin (Realtor) (913) 269-0900
Brenda Rumsey (Realtor) (816) 536-4121
Pam Hendrix (Realtor) (913) 558-4362
Brad Decker (Air-Pro HVAC) (913) 393-0500
Vic Bordon (Pastor) (816) 694-8058
Bob Buck (Pastor) (913) 908-6167
Susan Seitz (913) 894-4450
Sherri Stamper (913) 685-2691
Tim Golba (913) 782-8647
Joe Hannah (913) 515-5911
Brian Helstrom (913) 645-2113
Jill Biesma (913) 219-6662
Bernadette Fischer (913) 940-4955
Chuck Hammeke (816) 916-3100
Ken Armstrong (913) 669-5736
Mark Stang (816) 844-5590